Saturday, May 15, 2010

virtual xp on windows 7 (xp mode)

As before windows 7 the installation of virtual xp is through the different s/w like VMware, sunvirtualbox etc. but in all s/w the more space and time waste as compared to the windows 7 virtual xp.

In windows 7 microsoft provides the facility to install virtual xp without installing the windows xp, windows 7 comes with feature of "xp mode" in which you have to download the xp mode software from microsoft link
after installing the software which takes hardly 10-15 min you can go to xp mode and works as xp in 7. the softwares you want to install in xp will install in xp as well as they will directly open in win 7 but works in totally xp environment.
you don't need any drivers for xp and you can operate whole xp as a windows explores, so i suggest xp mode instead of any other virtual machine.
the xp mode present in all versions of win 7 but not present in vista so don't try if you using win vista.
if you have any query regarding windows 7 xp mode plz mail me at

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